While building OTTO at Next Thing Co. we kept wishing someone had made thing-X or someone had integrated thing-Y, to save us headaches and late nights. A year after building OTTO around the Raspberry Pi Compute Module, I am very very proud to announce that Dave, Thomas, myself, and a few new friends at NTC are taking things to the next level. Meet CHIP, the world's first $9 computer. It includes onboard storage, a 1GHz processor, lots of I/O pins, power management for battery charging and operation, and even high speed WiFi! Oh, and it runs mainline Linux right out of the box! Check out the Kickstarter, and get ready to build things!
- ← Meet OTTO! We're proud to announce that Daven, Thomas and I have disappeared to Shenzhen, China for a few months as a part of Hax, and re-emerged with Ansel's big brother: OTTO. Check out the Kickstarter!OTTO is a hackable animated GIF camera which lets you…